02/12/2021• EU Projects
FPEI is hosting an informative online seminar discussing entrepreneurial competencies within the
30/10/2021• Local Projects
A concept which is unfortunately often overlooked in the events production industry is
27/10/2021• Local Projects
Malta might be an island but that does not stop creatives from using their resources, expanding
25/10/2021• EU Projects
Read the newsletter here: CORAL Newsletter N°3_september 2021_EN_Final (2)
22/10/2021• Local Projects
You can have exceptional talents and projects. Yet, why keep it a secret? What if nobody actually
20/10/2021• Local Projects
Whether a creative is employed or a freelancer, one complex headache is surely the financial aspect
15/10/2021• Local Projects
As creatives, are you aware of your rights? How familiar are you? Creatives’ rights are not
13/10/2021• Local Projects
How do you measure a business start-up’s success? While sharing his tips and personal
01/10/2021• Local Projects
Where do projects start from? Ideation. This is the primary topic discussed with our speaker, Dr
27/09/2021• EU Projects, News
Have you got an idea or a project in mind that you’d like to implement, but you need a boost