Entrepreneurship4all is the new e-learning platform developed for the European Commission, a free training programme structured in 3 levels of expertise (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) and based on 4 pillars: Entrepreneurial, Financial Literacy, Sustainability and Digital Competences for Entrepreneurs.
The Summer Camp is a unique opportunity to twist your business idea around with 10 hours intense courses and the online support of expert trainers.
Access for free from the 1st to the 31st of August, know more about the 12 courses available, choose your pillar and enroll in your course level.
Taking the final test will give you the official certification of your competences and access to mentoring sessions to enter a community of potential and expert entrepreneurs, share your doubts and best practices.
We’ll give you a sunny welcome on August 1st, join us at 11am (CEST) registering here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdOyoqTsjGNKjRnNLMA1Xvh56PTcDW5D6#/registration
Last modified: 27/07/2023