Blog, Entrepreneurship, Local Projects

From Vision to Venture: Empowering the Creative Industry Through Entrepreneurship

The FPEI course offers an invaluable opportunity for creatives to learn the business skills they

Blog, Entrepreneurship, Local Projects

FPEI explores the role of Entrepreneurship in Creative Sector in Next Round of Popular Programme

Malta’s artists and creatives have the chance to learn entrepreneurial skills through the

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | Events & Sustainability

A concept which is unfortunately often overlooked in the events production industry is

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | E-commerce & Internationalisation

Malta might be an island but that does not stop creatives from using their resources, expanding

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | PR & Marketing

You can have exceptional talents and projects. Yet, why keep it a secret? What if nobody actually

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | Taxation

Whether a creative is employed or a freelancer, one complex headache is surely the financial aspect

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | Intellectual Property

As creatives, are you aware of your rights? How familiar are you? Creatives’ rights are not

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | Business

How do you measure a business start-up’s success? While sharing his tips and personal

Local Projects

Entrepreneurship for Creatives | Ideation and Opportunity Identification

Where do projects start from? Ideation. This is the primary topic discussed with our speaker, Dr